Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Industry Development Division, Zhang Feng said recently that China's telecommunications industry will highlight information technology and industrialization, the development of new supporting industries and accelerate the convergence of broadband, promoting digital services, next-generation network technology to carry out five major research focus.
Zhang Feng, China's telecommunications industry in 2010, Development Forum, said China will vigorously promote the production of information and communication networks in all spheres of life applications, especially to promote the industry, farmers, service intelligent development, optimization and upgrading of traditional enterprises, and promote energy conservation reduction.
Zhang Feng said China will actively develop the next generation of technology, strategic industry, to play the strategic leader in the communications industry results, to promote the use of network technology and industry interaction, strengthening of institutional innovation, and accelerate the development of a new support industry.
In addition, China will accelerate the build broadband convergence, and speed up the spread of broadband fiber-optic broadband network upgrade urban and rural areas, speed up the implementation of triple play, co-ordinating the layout of infrastructure, strengthening security capabilities.
In addition, China will nurture and grow new services, new markets and new form of nurturing and promoting the development of digital services and innovation. To carry out commercial use of the Internet, to carry out intelligence services to carry out distance learning, medical, security monitoring and other livelihood of information services.
Meanwhile, China will continue to carry out the next generation of network technology research, breakthrough IPV6 core technology and equipment to form a complete industrial chain and R & D capabilities, network information security technology to speed up public relations.